Tuesday, May 31, 2016

How to Save Big on Pet Supplies

Animals are a joy to have, but a visit to the store for pet supplies can run a higher bill than you anticipated. Whether your pet is a bird, reptile, cat, or dog, you'll need to buy food, toys, and cleaning products. There are a few tips that can help you save money when you make a trip to the store. From properly measuring meals to choosing a generic brand for your pet's medical needs, there's a way to keep your budget in positive numbers.

Measure Meals

When feeding pets, most people estimate how much to serve. While this may not be a problem for fish owners, those who own cats and dogs may be feeding their animal too much and spending extra money on food. To make sure you're properly feeding them the right amount, measure each meal. You'll likely realize that you've been oversupplying meals and won't need to restock quite as quickly.

Buy in Bulk

This is true of grocery shopping and pet supplies as well. Typically, items that are sold in larger quantities have a lower price. The next time you're browsing for rawhides, go for the more expensive bag with twice as many bones. Dog and cat owners can usually find pet supplies, like bones and kitty litter, in superstores that specialize in selling bulk items for less.

Use Coupons

Check online and at your local store for any coupon deals. Many coupons are offered for a variety of different brands, so there's a good chance you can find a discount price for your particular brand. Coupon sites like Coupon Mom can also be a great resource for finding coupons for sale items and discounts in your area.

Go Generic

Going generic for any medical needs can save you a bundle. It's helpful to do some shopping around before automatically purchasing the brand name products. Useful websites like PriceGrabber can help you compare costs side by side and find the best deal.

Make your own Toys and Treats

Toys and treats for dogs and cats can be expensive. If you're running low on your toy and treat budget, consider providing your own entertainment. A tennis ball in an old sock can provide mental stimulation and make a dog extremely happy. For a cat, a piece of string and a feather hanging off an old costume is all it takes to stimulate them into play mode. Making treats can be easy as well. Since you don't want to make your animal sick, familiarize yourself with which ingredients certain animals can't withstand (dogs and chocolate for example). It's also important to consult with your vet regarding any dietary restrictions for your animal. Visit the multitude of sites online dedicated to baking pet-friendly treats for recipes.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How to Keep Your Pets Safe in Every Weather

Do you have a pet? Do you want to give a healthy and happy life to your furry friend? Then here are some useful tips for pet owners including the precautions they need to take for their four legged friends. Pet ownership comes with a great responsibility. Caring for and owning a pet can give you a rewarding experience.

Below are some weather related tips for pet owners.

How to Protect your Pet during Winters

If the weather gets cold and wet, then you need to take extra precautions to ensure pets remain healthy.

1) Make sure your gates and walls are secure because heavy winter winds can knock down walls. So, give an opportunity to your pet to get out of there safely.
2) If it gets cold outside then make sure to keep your pet inside the house and cover your pet with woolens when taken out for exercise.
3) Pets need more food in the winter. So, regularly check with your vet clinic for the recommend food for your pet.
4) When the temperature is low, then you pet's tongue can freeze and stick to metal. Always use plastic food and water bowls instead of metal and be sure to keep its water container fresh and unfrozen.
5) Antifreeze may be good in smell and taste, but it can be dangerous to your pet. Keep it away from them.

How to Protect your Pet during Storms

1) Strong winds and saturated soil can topple fences. Keep your pets inside in a sheltered area.
2) Most of the pets get scared from light and thunder. It can cause them to bolt.
3) If your furry friend gets more anxious than talk to your veterinarian as early as possible for their good health.

How to Protect your Pet during Summers

Here are some tips for keeping your pet safe and cool this summer:

1) Don't leave your pet in a parked car.
2) Make sure to offer your pet a plenty of fresh water and avoid heat stroke.
3) When it is too hot, then do not allow exercising heavily as it can burn their paws. Early morning and the evenings are the best time for exercise.
4) Cats can also get sunburned just like us. So, ask veterinarian to provide you the best sunscreen for your pet. Cats have a light and sensitive skin. They need more protection while moving outside the house. Ensure that you take the relevant steps.

Follow these essential preventive pet care tips which help to optimize your pet's health against unpredictable weather.

Friday, April 15, 2016

What Is Animal Abuse/Cruelty?

In a perfect world we'd never have to worry about or be confronted with animal cruelty and abuse. Unfortunately, it is a reality that happens everyday. In an effort to combat animal cruelty you should know the signs and symptoms as well as what you should do if you suspect animals are being mistreated. All domesticated pets deserve a loving home and sometimes, all it takes is a phone call to put the wheels in motion to bettering an animal's life.

Many people may have the image that animal abuse requires some sort of physical abuse or starvation. In fact abuse of an animal can take many forms.

What is Animal Abuse/Cruelty

Not Providing Adequate Shelter - Pets that are left tied up outside in the rain, snow, wind, and sun without adequate shelter is a form of abuse. All animals should have the opportunity to shelter themselves from the elements.

Not Seeking Medical Treatment - This applies to everything from leaving serious physical injuries untreated to not taking steps to properly safeguard a pet from flea and tick infestations and heart worms.

Malnourished Pets - Anytime you can see an animal's ribs clearly, they are malnourished and in need of care.

Frequent abandonment - Pets that are frequently left alone for extended periods of time without a pet sitter or anyone to check in on them to make sure they are in good health and their basic needs are being met.

Physical Abuse - Striking, choking, or incapacitating an animal in any way

So what should you do if you feel that you have witnessed or are aware of an ongoing situation in which animals are being mistreated? This will vary based on your areas resources. If you have a local Humane Society many of them will have a hotline you can call to report abuse. You can also call your local law enforcement agency and ask for assistance or direction in checking on the situation.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

So Many Pets, How Do I Choose?

Almost from the beginning of mankind people have had the urge to have animals for companionship. There is just something about pets that brings a sense of joy and even stability into our daily lives. Almost everyone has had a pet at some point in their lives. While most people have conventional pets such as dogs, cats, birds and fish other people enjoy more unconventional pets, such as flying squirrels, hedge hogs and even tarantulas. With so many different pets available for adoption many people wonder how to go about choosing the right pet for them. Here are some tips that may help you choose the best pet for you and your lifestyle.

How Much Time Do You Have To Devote To A Pet?

The first thing you need to decide is how much time you have available to devote to a pet. Some pets require a lot of time and human interaction while other pets such as fish, really need no human interaction at all. The amount of time you have and are willing to devote to a pet makes a huge difference in the type of pet you decide to adopt.

When Do I Have Time To Devote To A Pet?

Some pets are strictly nocturnal. Meaning that in order to get the full benefit of their companionship you have to be up and active all through the night. Nocturnal pets are great for people who usually work an afternoon job and then are used to staying up into the wee hours of the morning. If you a person who works a morning job, gets home at 5 and is in bed by 11 then a nocturnal pet is not the best bet for you. Choosing an animal that is more active during the day will make you a better companion.

Where You Live Will Make A Difference

Where you live will also make a difference in the kind of pet that will be right for you. If you live in a small apartment, even one that allows pets, then you aren't going to want an animal that takes up too much space or needs a large yard to play in several times a day.people that live in apartments often find that animals who make their home in cage such as a bird, a guinea pig or a hamster is a better pet than the more traditional dog or cat. While both dogs and cats can do well in apartments, you will need to take extra precautions and especially when it comes to dogs, you need to know more about it's size and exercise requirements.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Cat or Dog? Which Makes The Better Pet?

Some people are naturally cat lovers while some are dog lovers and some do not like pets at all. It may be a person's personality, interests, lifestyle or it could be the pet that they had growing up that makes the difference. Whatever the reason, some prefer cats while some prefer dogs. While both cats and dogs make excellent companions, there are some factors that make one better than the other. This, however, typically depends on the person and what they look for in a pet. Here are some factors to consider that differentiate owning a cat or owning a dog.


Caring for a pet can be time consuming and costly. In this category, cats are the winners. Cats require a lot less care than dogs. Cats are independent and can be left alone for long periods of time. They sleep a lot and can find simple ways to amuse themselves for hours such as watching birds from the window sill. They also use a litter box so cats do not have to be let out of the house to relieve themselves. All cats are small so they do not really require the exercise that some dogs require.

Dogs, on the other hand, must be cared for consistently. A dog cannot be left alone for extended periods of time. Dogs require being let outdoors to relieve themselves. Many dogs require daily exercise so a big yard or long walks are important. Most importantly, dogs are not as independent as cats. Dogs like companionship and can easily become board. Aside from having more than one dog to entertain each other, humans need to be present in the daily life of dogs.


Cleanliness is an important factor to consider when choosing a pet. The biggest concern of pet owners is allergies. Cats are twice as likely to cause allergic reactions in humans than dogs. Cats shed and leave dander on carpet and upholstery as well as in the air. Although some types of cats are less likely to cause allergic reactions, cat owners must be cautious when choosing one that will not aggravate allergies. While dogs can also shed, especially long haired dogs, they are less likely to leave behind allergens in the air.

When it comes to cleanliness, cats are one of the cleanest animals. They constantly groom themselves. Cats do not have to be bathed, regularly brushed or professionally groomed. Many dog breeds, however, require professional grooming, regular baths and daily brushing.


Variety of breeds is another important factor when choosing any pet. Cat breeds are not quite as varied as dog breeds are. Different cat breeds do have different personalities. For example, Persians are high maintenance while Siamese are friendly. Another factor is that all cat breeds are small, not leaving a lot of room if a person wishes for a bigger companion.

Dogs come in a variety of breeds and sub-breeds. The American Kennel Club recognizes many breeds and their personalities. Choosing a dog to fit an owners personality, lifestyle or needs is much easier than sorting through different cat breeds.


One of the most important factors to consider in a pet is how it is bred to function. Dogs breeds are differentiated by their abilities. They can be trained to hunt, protect, work or offer service. Dogs can easily be trained and tend to be very devoted and loving to their human companions.

Cats are very independent. They cannot really be trained but do instinctively hunt and kill rodents. Although many cats are loving companions, there will never be as much affection and loyalty to owners as dogs naturally give.


Finally, interactivity is important to any pet owner. How much are they willing to spend entertaining their pet. While some cats are social many avoid people they are not familiar with. Cats can be kept indoor at all times so it is not necessary to take them outdoors to get exercise. Cats enjoy very simple play such as chasing small toys or strings. It is relatively easy to entertain a cat

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Animals Do The Most Amazing Things

Welcome, from one pet lover to another! Life is fulfilled with our pleasurable and I might add entertaining pets.

From the time I can remember when I needed a good listening ear; I would talk to my pet. Some might think I was a bit odd. In they're unique way animals my tilt they're head or with a wag of the tail that they are listening.

It has always amazed me how naturally intelligent an animal can be. Let me ask you, have you ever started packing for a trip and notice how your pet gets an unsettling look or act, they know what's up!

When I travel, my dog is with me. I want to be sure he/her knows his/her place in the car.

I bring a traveling bed, bowl for food & water, and a favorite toy with a few healthy tidbits. I always buy healthy natural products and a good safe traveling bed. Pets need their own space and securities just like humans.

Here is a short but true story!

My last dog Joe was a big lab mix, the best friend and protector. May he RIP, lived to be almost 15 years old.

It was very early one morning; around 4:00 am. Joe kept coming into my room and knocking my head with his face, I was sleeping very soundly. I woke up, there was not way I would not of he was knocking pretty forceful, he sought for me to wake up, he was much persisted, I woke up and got up! When I did my other two dogs wanted to go outside, good old Joe was letting me know.

My dogs sleep on the other side of the house in an indoor pouch attach to house with a sliding glass door. Each dog having a sturdy bolsters bed, knowing where their sleep space is for warmth and comfort.

The sliding door to the pouch, I always kept slightly open to the house. I am a firm believer, never lock dogs in a place at night where they can not escape or come to their owner for some unknown reason. I have always relied on my pets for night protection while sleeping. Animals hear what humans do not and sense danger when we don't have a clue what is coming.

OK, remembering, I had let the other two dogs outside and told Joe to go back to bed.

Within 3 minutes Joe was back knocking me again, even more persisted! I sat up and notice through my front door window a weird flickering light which appeared to be getting brighter and brighter. I live out in a rural area, no street lights, and no cars driving down our private lane. I jumped up and ran to my front door window. OMG those were not lights, the pouch was on fire! The dogs were saved, and thank goodness the fire did not flash over and burn the house down. My Joe dog saved our lives, the house and our two cats which had already hidden somewhere in the house, not to be found, but were saved.

Pets are the best! They are our friend, protectors and complete our lives as we are their friend and protector. We always want to take good care of them!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Why Adopt A Shelter Animal?

In the 1990's adopting a pound hound was not very desirable. These dogs were mutts; many people thought they were sick and plain ugly. People wanted purebred dogs, they would purchase from breeders. Most mutt's fate is predetermined because they are not purebreds.

When was the last time you visited your local county animal shelter? Both mutts and purebred dogs are desperately waiting for an angle to save their lives.

Unfortunately, many mutts and purebred dogs are killed in the thousands around the country. These animals are dumped, neglected, abused and emotionally destroyed. I have asked myself "When did we become a dumping society?" People dump their problems on others, some dump their parents in a nursing home, and some people dump their kids on family members.

Reason to adopt a shelter dog.

Most of these dogs have lived in family environments and can make great family pets with little transition time. Adult dogs are already potty trained and they are used to kennel living. The fee is much less to adopt than shop, dogs are up-to-date on shots, fixed, and are microchipped. When you rescue a shelter dog, you are actually saving two. Some shelters are so overcrowded that they euthanize dogs the day they receive them. This happens most to senior dogs, sickly dogs, and breeds specific laws.

Many dogs and cats are dumped at shelters. The saddest dogs and cats are seniors, they cry when they see their owners leaving. Not every owner who surrenders his or her dog is a heartless human being; unfortunately, the percentage is very low. Most surrendered dogs have been abused their entire life.

Shelters receive minimal funding and implementing a penalty fee for dumping your dog would benefit shelters.

How to help a sheltered dog

If you cannot adopt shelter animals, the next best thing people can do for these animals is volunteer their time. For example, Miami-Dade Animal Shelter currently has 400 dogs and hundreds of cats in the shelter, but they only have a handful of employees. Volunteers play a vital role in the lives of these dogs and cats. Volunteers play, train, groom and most importantly give affection to these deserving animals.

Many dogs are labeled as "rescue only"; this means that only reputable rescues can pull these dogs. Most rescues cannot pull dogs without having a foster commitment. Offering to foster dogs saves two lives. Dogs in foster homes flourish in a family environment and become more adoptable. When your foster is adopted, it is a rewarding feeling because your family played a vital role in the dog's behavior.

Rescues also need transports. For example, Pitbulls are banned in Miami-Dade. If you go to the shelter, you will see hundreds of Pitbulls waiting to be rescued before they are killed. Many rescues pull pits from Miami-Dade and need the dog transported to their facility. Transporting a dog also helps save two lives.